UPDATE: Project Plan: TechBros Must Die!

TechBros Must Die! (tm)
6 min readOct 16, 2023

The following is an update to the plan. Updates are shown in sidebars, like this one. My task list and timeline for the project have been accelerated. Thank you for following this project plan, and note that I am moving to HEROJIG.SUBSTACK.COM. (Eventually.)

A Deep Dive into Today’s Tech Industry Ethics

In last week’s installment into this deep rabbit hole dive, I presented the philosophy on how I am running the project now titled TechBros Must Die! (tm)(r)©2023 by Author. In this week’s post, I am giving you the actual project plan driving my experiment and findings to be as open and transparent as possible with everyone here on Medium.

Note: I do this why? Well, old habits die hard as an Ex-IBM’er of 18 years in service, and back in the day, I was a “project manager” — only no one would ever call me that (no way). We were called product managers. As in, responsible for everything to do with a single project, many projects, whatever, etc., that made something that worked in the world, for the world, instead of what today’s techBro “project managers” actually do. So this is it, folks, this is what you are getting into for the next few months…

The Plan

In a world increasingly dominated by technology and the tech industry, there’s a growing need to critically examine the ethical dimensions of the current state of…



TechBros Must Die! (tm)
TechBros Must Die! (tm)

Written by TechBros Must Die! (tm)

"I befriend humans & animals, not platforms. Paid more to be here, so no gaslighting about friends!" See herojig.com for the rest of my BS.

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